Don’t just take our word for it!

  • Pupil Feedback

    “forest school has made me feel more confident because I’ve been having a hard time at home and it gives me something to look forward to”.

    “Forest school has made me more confident asking for help -it’s a bit like a fire, if you don’t get help it can get out of control!”

    “I realise now that people and trees both have feelings - I feel more connected to nature”.

    “When I was at forest school I was always in nature - at home I always play indoors”.

    “It was really challenging to stay super quiet when me and’x’ were trying to get really close to the deer”.

    “forest school has made me more confident at trying new things- like eating flatbreads from the fire and making fire with the flint and steel”.

    “I found it challenging having to put on the waterproofs and getting dirty - but I did it!”

    “I learned a lot about knots and den building - I can now tie things together much better”.

    “Doing the litter pick has made me realise how much rubbish is left lying around - it has made me want to do something about it!”

  • Teacher Feedback

    “H enjoyed simply being ourdoors and being in the woodland. He really enjoyed the information and facts about nature and was eager to share these when he got back to class. He also really enjoyed the craft work especially whittling his minifigure characters” .
    P5 teacher

    “A brilliant session last week for the whole class. Pupils with behavioural needs and ASN especially found the session great fun and they were all engaged, focussed and on task”
    P7 teacher

    “The whole course was very well organised and run, with excellent communication and feedback from Wilder. My pupils were so excited to have this opportunity and it has benefitted them immensely”.
    P4 teacher

    “All of the children picked for this forest school group were put forward because of my concerns about their ability to bond with others, make friendships and socialise in groups. I feel that forest school has definitely benefitted the children in these areas”.
    P4 teacher

    ”Every child enjoyed the experience and came back feeling proud of their achievements or full of fun at the adventure they had just had.”

    P4 teacher

    “It has been an absolute privilege to be with you and the pupils in the woods over the last 8 weeks Diane! You are fantastic at what you do!”
    Classroom Assistant - Stenton Primary School

    “Forest school allows children to thrive that otherwise find school tricky at times. They thoroughly enjoy going, learning to be outside, acting responsibly, respecting the environment and having positive experiences outside of school”
    P6 teacher

  • Client Feedback

    “Thanks again for the wonderful time experienced by 17 of our young carers (age 7-13 yrs) who had the opportunity to join Wilder and take part in the Easter Woodland and Coastal adventure camps. The children’s feedback was extremely positive with almost all wishing to return to your Summer programme. Comments included: “I was able to make fire”, “ I enjoyed cooking, making wild garlic pesto”, “the hot chocolate and marshmallows was the best”, I enjoyed making a driftwood ship, I am taking it home so that I can remember this day!”, “I didn’t expect to be able to relax and enjoy myself so much”, “I was really nervous about coming but I’m so glad I did!”. A number of parents also commented “He came back so excited!”, “they can’t wait to go back!”, “thanks for much for giving them this opportunity”.

    Marie Prior - East Lothian Council, Inclusion and Wellbeing Service

  • Parent/Feedback

    “Thanks Wilder - the woodland adventure camp has been amazing for ‘x’. He’s been having a hard time at school with bully’s and it’s made him so much more confident! We have already been back down to the woods twice today to see the shelter and the big nest that he made”.
    P5 parent

    “they have really enjoyed learning new skills in an environment where they can move around freely. They have found it really liberating and it’s made them more relaxed and more keen to come to school!”
    P4 parent

    “they have loved being outdoors and engaging in activities that he wouldn’t usually participate in. They have also enjoyed spending time with people from their class that they wouldn’t usually spend time with”.
    P6 parent

    “I just think this is such a fabulous outlet for kids that struggle with traditional classroom learning!”
    P6 parent